Weights 0.55 pounds, Collapsed height 16 inches , full extended height 40 inches, max load 12 pounds
360 degree swivel U shaped stock yoke with soft rubber grips and protects your shotgun or crossbow well and enables you shoot at any diretion; removable v-shaped yoke can be replaced by cameras or soptting scopes with 1/4 inch universal screw
4 section telescope height adjustment mechenism allows to shoot at any level , so you aim at turkeys sitting on the ground or shooting at deers while sitting on hunting chair in the gound blind or just standing to shoot at your targets
used as shooting stick for hunters to spotting or stalking hunting their prey; as telescope or camera stand for bird watching or wildlife photoprapgh , providing a stable platform for capturing clear and steady images; used as a walking or mountain climbing stick to provide additional support and stability on uneven terrain. With its versatility, this mechanism can be a valuable tool